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Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and Learning

The current education system was developed well before the advent of the information revolution. The present decentralized education system creates inequalities across the world. In this ever-changing world, artificial intelligence is here to change outdated teaching and learning practices. AI has the potential to transform the education system of the world by addressing problems such as large class sizes, overburdened teachers, and lack of engagement between instructors and students. Apart from the actual teaching, the teacher needs to do a lot of administrative work, and this unnecessary work takes a lot of time and impacts the quality of education. Here are a few ways AI can change education for the better.

Availability of Education

Nowadays, life has become very fast. We want everything on the go. Access to the internet, computers, and smartphones is rapidly increasing all over the world. With the help of AI, the whole world can become a classroom. AI-based applications and products can provide access to unlimited educational resources round the clock. Teachers can get insights into students’ performance while students can receive instant feedback from their teachers.

Mode of Education

The present education system is rigid. It does not cater to the individual’s needs. AI-enhanced systems could make learning easier for individuals by taking into account their interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Recently, education has shifted towards smart content. It includes online courses, video lectures, digital books, and virtual reality classrooms. AI provides an opportunity to automate some part of the learning process, for example, testing students, assigning grades, checking the quality of homework such as automated plagiarism checks, and so on.

Interactive Teaching

Today, classrooms are larger and it is difficult for the teachers to pay proper attention to every individual. AI can provide ways to identify weaknesses in a student through customized assessments. Various AI-equipped interactive activities to recognize knowledge gaps and other academic deficiencies of students. For example, with AI analytics, a teacher can identify week students and pay attention to their improvement. Furthermore, an interactive classroom that is equipped with virtual reality, can make learning enjoyable and more productive.

Productive Learning

Students are often unaware of their interests and capabilities. A wrong selection of a program can have adverse effects on a student’s performance. AI can help the student decide which degree programs they should choose by specifically designed algorithms that analyze a student’s aptitude and interests. AI software can assist teachers in creating an up-to-date curriculum. Teachers can get recommendations from an AI to create a curriculum that specifically designed to address the needs of enrolled students. Moreover, with the help of AI, educational institutions can acquire the services of the most suitable teachers. This is done by scanning millions of teacher profiles available over the internet.

Objective-Oriented Learning

The present system of education does not tolerate mistakes. However, we know from the research that mistakes are an integral part of the learning process. Many students avoid doing experiments from the fear of failing. Some students cannot clear their concepts because they find it intimidating to face their teacher. An interactive AI learning system would allow students to experiment and innovate without the fear of making mistakes.  These systems will bridge the gap between students and teachers and help students learn in a stress-free environment.

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