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Best Companies in Artificial Intelligence

There are a lot of evolving technologies in the current time, but AI is receiving ever more attention. AI is termed as the technology of the future which has the potential to affect all domains of life, especially business. The major growing force in finance, business, and commerce is “Artificial Intelligence”. Enlisted below are some best companies in artificial intelligence:

Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba is the prior cloud computing forum in Asia, it provides clients a complex Machine Learning Platform (automatic learning) for AI. Substantially, this platform gives a user-friendly visual interface that is very comfortable to use and companies can punch up multiple elements into a canvas to assemble their AI functional capabilities.

Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services is a leader in cloud computing. Amazon has based most of its business on machine learning. Without AI, Amazon would not have been able to enhance its business, predict its client’s behavior, and upgrade its systemization and quality. AWS provides both customer and business-focused AI services. Through ‘Alexa’ an intelligent voice server, Amazon has bought AI into the homes of people.

Google Cloud Platform

Google is leading the world in the AI revolution. It uses data analytics extensively. It has acquired numerous AI startups in the last several years. Google is thoroughly involved in promoting artificial intelligence capabilities. Along with improved AI services, Google Cloud also deals with machine learning services. It owns an industry-dominant software design in TensorFlow as well as its own Tensor AI chip plan.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft has a combination of customer-facing and business AI strategies. On the client part, it has Cortana, which is such a digital helper that comes with Windows and now is accessible for smartphones apart from Windows Phone. On its Azure cloud service, Microsoft offers AI services, for instance, robot services, machine learning, and cognitive services.

Automation Anywhere

It is a prominent vendor in the small but rising Robotic Process Automation market. It has basically introduced the term RPA.  Automation Anywhere makes sincere use of AI. Automation-Anywhere offers a service called Attended RPA, which helps office workers do normal, repetitive tasks more accurately exploiting the influence of machine learning.


AEye frames the vision algorithms, hardware, and software used to lead distinct vehicles. Its LiDAR technology emphasizes the essential instruction in a vehicle’s sightline, for instance, people, other vehicles, and animals. On the other hand, putting less focus on things such as the sky, construction, and vegetation.


Graphcore, also known as Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU), is a processor that is specially designed for machine learning (ML) applications. It is utilized to develop highly efficient machines. The IPU’s rare as well as unique composition enables the pioneer to run current machine learning templates faster and carry out completely unique types of work which would not rather be possible with the present technologies.


AIBrain specializes in fully autonomous AI. It integrates three basic characteristics of intelligence such as memory, learning, and problem-solving. AIBrain aims to enhance the capabilities of human intelligence with augmented memory and autonomous AI. AIBrain wants to provide cognitive reasoning capabilities to every human being. Technologies offered by AIBrain include AICoRe for cognitive aid and Memory graph for memory enhancement.

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